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Experts in the Real Estate Industry

The Simpson Companies offer comprehensive real estate and construction services to all facets of the real estate business including development, construction, sales, facility management and rental management. We are experts in all aspects of the real estate transaction cycle – acquisitions, permits, design, marketing & sales, construction including remodeling/renovations, management and re-sales.


40+ years’ experience in building and remodeling residential, schools, courthouses, airport terminals, industrial parks, and numerous other commercial projects.

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Since the early 1980s we have been creating housing for the Upper Valley, primarily within the context of planned residential communities.

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Providing comprehensive fiscal and facilities management services and specialize in facility maintenance, retrofits, repairs and remodels.

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Rent Management

By working with us to manage your investment property we can eliminate the stress and time commitment required to own an investment property and maximize the return on your investment.

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Real Estate

Fidelity Real Estate is a full-service real estate brokerage firm with over 25 years of experience representing Buyers, Sellers and Renters in the Upper Valley.

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Affordable Housing

For over 40 years we have owned and provided full service management of numerous affordable housing communities throughout Vermont and New Hampshire.

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Highlighted Projects

Family Owned & Operated

Our team of dedicated professionals strives to provide the highest standards and quality of workmanship on every project we develop.  Our unique ability to design, build and manage our properties brings added efficiency and convenience to the real estate experience.